Upstream Alliance
Mission: Our mission is to provide powerful, on-the-water experiences for conservation leaders who can improve public access, clean water and coastal resilience, while in partnership with organizations who champion these issues.
Vision: We dream of a healthy relationship between people and the environment, where people understand and care for nature and make the world a healthier place for all inhabitants.
Regions & Programs
Brandywine River
Teacher Professional Development
Flushing Bay
Chesapeake Bay
Clean Water
Coastal Resilience
Delaware River
Public Access (8-Mile Greenway & 13-Mile Water Trail)
Camden Education Program
Delaware Bay
Don Baugh, President & Founder of Upstream Alliance
“We work upstream to solve problems at their source. We work at scale, and therefore we work with leaders that are responsible for developing and implementing those solutions. We give those leaders experiences, sometimes by kayak and sometimes by motorboat, so they can see firsthand the challenges we face, and what we can do to overcome them.”
Our Partners
For more questions about where we work and why, email: info@upstreamalliance.org